It’s that time of year again – Bike Week! It’s time to enjoy the cooler temperatures, strap on your helmet, and ride your bike! Participation is not limited to those going to work, use a bike as your method of transportation to other everyday destinations like school, the store, a nearby park, etc. Your families can participate, too.
What is Bike Week?
- Bike Week is a strategic event designed to encourage people to try their bikes for transportation, have an opportunity to learn about bike safety, and potentially serve as a catalyst for them to use this alternative on a consistent basis to increase physical activity, improve air quality, and reduce traffic congestion while increasing safety. You don’t have to just ride your bike to work. Use a bike as your method of transportation to other everyday destinations like school, the store, a nearby park, etc. Your families can participate, too.
Why should I register?
- To win great prizes! And to help your worksite win this year’s challenge! The first 15 people to register will receive a water bottle. All who register will be entered to win the following:
- Restaurant gift cards
- Activity passes
- Bike helmets
- And more!
What counts?
- Bicycling to work, school, the store, the library, the park, or other places you might drive to counts. Going on a bike ride for fun is great but unfortunately does not count for this event.
Can my children participate in Bike Week?
- Absolutely! Additionally, there is the Safe Routes Utah’s Walk & Roll challenge that kids in grades K-8 can participate in. They can bike, scooter, or walk to school (or the bus stop) and have their parents submit the number of days they participate online at That challenge goes September through May each year.
Can I help promote Bike Week?
- We’d love to have you help make our Bike Week event successful. If you’d like to download materials including posters and other promotional pieces visit Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and share our Facebook event and other posts with your friends and co-workers.
Why should I bike to work?
- Stay physically active
- Save money
- Spend time with friends and family
- Start your day energized, de-stressed, and refreshed
Our company bike rack is almost full on a regular basis. What do you suggest for temporary bike racks?
- Use an event barricade or a wood pallet as a temporary bike rack.
- Store bicycles in an empty office.