Contact Us
Locations & Hours
Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm & Friday 8am-1pm (click on the buttons below for Specific service hours).
Logan Bailey Building (Main Office)
(435) 792-6500
655 East 1300 North
Logan, Utah 84341
Logan – Environmental Health Building
(435) 792-6570
85 East 1800 North
Logan, Utah 84341
Brigham Office
(435) 792-6500
817 West 950 South
Brigham City, Utah 84302
Tremonton Office
(435) 792-6500
440 West 600 North
Tremonton, Utah 84337
Randolph Office
(435) 792-6500
275 North Main Street
Randolph, Utah 84064
Garden City Office
(435) 792-6500
115 South Bear Lake Blvd.
Garden City, Utah 84028
AFter Hours Behavioral Health Crisis Line - Cache & Rich Counties
(435) 881-0358
After Hours Behavioral Health Crisis line - Box Elder County
(435) 730-2793
Community Health Concern Form
COMMUNITY HEALTH CONCERN We are dedicated to protecting the health of our community. If you have a health-related concern we want to hear from you. Click on the button below to report a concern.
GRIEVANCE Clients of the Bear River Health Department (BRHD), have the right to file a grievance for any action or inaction of the Department and/or Department employees as outlined in Utah Code 26A-1-121 Section 2. A client may request an administrative review (grievance hearing) at any time during participation in a BRHD service or program. This right is explained to clients during initial enrollment in services. Clients have the right to review his or her file, a right to a copy of any contracts or treatment plans, and the right to ask questions regarding agency policies and procedures.
SMOKING/VAPING COMPLAINT The Utah Indoor Clean Air Act bans smoking and vaping in public indoor places and places of employment. UICAA includes smoking and vaping in all enclosed indoor places that allow public access and within 25 feet of any entrance, exit, open window, or air intake. If you see a possible violation, you can report it anonymously by filling out the form below. If you prefer to speak with someone, please call (435) 792-6500. We will address the issue within three business days of receiving your report. We make every effort to use education and signage to correct the problem(s).
Logan Main Office
Logan, Utah 84341
Logan Main Office
Logan, Utah 84321
Logan – Environmental Health Building
Logan, Utah 84341
Brigham Office
Brigham City, Utah 84302
Tremonton Office
Tremonton, Utah 84337
Randolph Office
Randolph, Utah 84064
Garden City Office
Garden City, Utah 84028