Health Data
Children’s Health Data
Low birth weight | Babies born with a low birthweight (less than 5.5 pounds) have a high probability of experiencing developmental problems and short- and long-term disabilities. They are also at a greater risk of dying within the first year of life. Smoking, poor nutrition, poverty, stress, infections, obesity, multiple births and violence can increase the risk of a baby being born with a low birthweight.52 Compared with other affluent countries, the United States has among the highest percentage of babies born with a low birthweight | 6.52% | 6.89% | 6.37% | N/A | 7.06% |
Children without health insurance | Children without health insurance are less likely than insured children to have a regular health care provider and to receive care when they need it, putting them at greater risk of hospitalization. | N/A | 5.80% | 4.00% | 11.90% | 10.00% |
LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH FOR CHILDREN <0-18 yrs | 2017-2020 Deaths per 100,000 population. Retrieved from Utah Department of Health, Center for Health Data and Informatics, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health website: | |||||
Conditions originating in the perinatal period | This includes conditions related to maternal factors and complications of pregnancy, labor and delivery. It can also include length of gestation and fetal growth, birth trauma, or death due to failure of various systems including respiratory, cardiovascular, etc. The perinatal period is defined as before birth through the 28th day following birth | 8.77 | 6.85* | 9.78 | N/A | 13.31 |
Congenital malformations, deformations, chromosonal abnormalities | Commonly referred to as "birth defects." Heart defects, neural tube defects and Down syndrome are the most common congenital anomalies. | 7.51 | 6.85* | 7.95 | N/A | 8.23 |
Unintentional Injury | Injuries casues by burns, drowning, falls, poisoning, and road traffic. They are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among children 0-19 in the US. | 7.1 | 10.96* | 5.5* | N/A | 5.95 |
Suicide | Purposely self inflicted inury. In the US, suicide is the second leading cause of death for those 15-24. Looking at younger teenagers it is the third leading cause of death of individuals aged 10-14. | 7.1 | 8.22* | 6.72* | N/A | 5.72 |
Cancer | Malignant neoplasm or cancer, is a disease in which abnomral cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue. The most common cancers of children are: leukemia, brain and spinal cord tumors, neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor, lymphoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, retinoblastoma, and bone cancer | 1.67 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 1.92 |
Assault/Homicide | Injuries inflicted by another person with intent to inure or kill by any means. In the US, assault/homicide is the third leading cause of death for children aged 1-4 years | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 1.61 |
Diseases of the heart | Diseases of the heart can be caused by a variety of factors ranging from viral infections to chromosonal abnormalities and may arise as secondary complications to other diseases or conditions within the body. In most cases, the cause of cardiac disease is not known. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0.82 |
Total (n=number of total deaths) | 27 | 6 | 21 | 0 | 451 | |
Past 30 day alcohol use | Abuse of alcohol and drugs can negatively impact cognitive growth of the teenage brain during a critical time of development. Teens who abuse these substances are more likely to engage in risky sexual activity, drive under the influence, abuse multiple substances and commit crimes. Abuse of alcohol and drugs is also linked to physical and mental health problems, poor academic performance and disengagement from peers, family, schools and community. The negative consequences of teen alcohol and drug abuse can carry over into adulthood. Overall, alcohol and drug use by adolescents have declined during the past decade, although patterns vary by substance. | 3.20% | N/A | N/A | N/A | 4.30% |
Past 30 day cigarette use | Abuse of alcohol and drugs can negatively impact cognitive growth of the teenage brain during a critical time of development. Teens who abuse these substances are more likely to engage in risky sexual activity, drive under the influence, abuse multiple substances and commit crimes. Abuse of alcohol and drugs is also linked to physical and mental health problems, poor academic performance and disengagement from peers, family, schools and community. The negative consequences of teen alcohol and drug abuse can carry over into adulthood. Overall, alcohol and drug use by adolescents have declined during the past decade, although patterns vary by substance. | 1.10% | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0.80% |
Past 30 day e-cigarette/vaping use | Abuse of alcohol and drugs can negatively impact cognitive growth of the teenage brain during a critical time of development. Teens who abuse these substances are more likely to engage in risky sexual activity, drive under the influence, abuse multiple substances and commit crimes. Abuse of alcohol and drugs is also linked to physical and mental health problems, poor academic performance and disengagement from peers, family, schools and community. The negative consequences of teen alcohol and drug abuse can carry over into adulthood. Overall, alcohol and drug use by adolescents have declined during the past decade, although patterns vary by substance. | 5.80% | N/A | N/A | N/A | 6.30% |
Past 30 day marijuana use | Abuse of alcohol and drugs can negatively impact cognitive growth of the teenage brain during a critical time of development. Teens who abuse these substances are more likely to engage in risky sexual activity, drive under the influence, abuse multiple substances and commit crimes. Abuse of alcohol and drugs is also linked to physical and mental health problems, poor academic performance and disengagement from peers, family, schools and community. The negative consequences of teen alcohol and drug abuse can carry over into adulthood. Overall, alcohol and drug use by adolescents have declined during the past decade, although patterns vary by substance. | 3.50% | N/A | N/A | N/A | 4.50% |
Past 30 day prescription/narcotic use | Abuse of alcohol and drugs can negatively impact cognitive growth of the teenage brain during a critical time of development. Teens who abuse these substances are more likely to engage in risky sexual activity, drive under the influence, abuse multiple substances and commit crimes. Abuse of alcohol and drugs is also linked to physical and mental health problems, poor academic performance and disengagement from peers, family, schools and community. The negative consequences of teen alcohol and drug abuse can carry over into adulthood. Overall, alcohol and drug use by adolescents have declined during the past decade, although patterns vary by substance. | 0.20% | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0.20% |
Past 30 day prescription drug abuse | Abuse of alcohol and drugs can negatively impact cognitive growth of the teenage brain during a critical time of development. Teens who abuse these substances are more likely to engage in risky sexual activity, drive under the influence, abuse multiple substances and commit crimes. Abuse of alcohol and drugs is also linked to physical and mental health problems, poor academic performance and disengagement from peers, family, schools and community. The negative consequences of teen alcohol and drug abuse can carry over into adulthood. Overall, alcohol and drug use by adolescents have declined during the past decade, although patterns vary by substance. | 1.40% | N/A | N/A | N/A | 1.70% |
Feelings of hopelessness lasting 2 weeks | 2021 SHARP Survey Data. Saddness, hopelessness, and depression are some of the most common symptoms of child and adolescent depression. In 2021, nearly one third (30 percent) of students in grades 9-12 reported feeling sad or hopeless almost every day for two or more weeks in a row. | 27.80% | N/A | N/A | N/A | 32.50% |
During past 12 months, seriously considered attempting suicide | 2021 SHARP Survey Data. It is estimated that almost 1 in 4 teenagers consider suicide. It is extremely important to take al threats of suicide seriously and seek immediate treatment for a child or teenager. | 15.10% | N/A | N/A | N/A | 17.50% |
During past 12 months, number of times reported they actually attempted suicide | 2021 SHARP Survey Data. Common warning signs of suicide include making suicidal statements, being preoccupied with death in conversation, writing or drawing; giving away belongings; withdrawing from frieds and family; having aggressive or hostile behavior. | 5.60% | N/A | N/A | N/A | 7% |
Adolescents reporting healthy body weight | 2021 SHARP Survey Data. The US Dept of Health and Human Services recommends that youth aged 6-17 engage in physical activity for 60 minutes or more every day. Adolescents reporting healthy body weight are between 5th and 85th percentiles. | 72.40% | N/A | N/A | N/A | 69.60% |
Students who were physically active all 7 days during the past week | 2021 SHARP Survey Data. The US Dept of Health and Human Services recommends that youth aged 6-17 engage in physical activity for 60 minutes or more every day. | 21.80% | N/A | N/A | N/A | 18.60% |
2 year olds who were immunized | Retrieved from 2021 Immunization Coverage Report, USIIS person data were grouped into 13 local health district service areas by their most up-to-date ZIP code and county information. Coverage results reflect 2020–-2021 data submitted to USIIS as of July 1, 2021. Data shows the percentage of children 24-35 months of age who have received all doses of recommended vaccines( Children in USIIS born between 7/2/2018 and 7/1/2019). | 76.50% | N/A | N/A | N/A | 72.00% |
*Use caution in interpreting; the estimate has a coefficient of variation > 30% and is therefore deemed unreliable by Utah Department of Health standards.