
On March 15, 2022, the Bear River Health Department (BRHD) was awarded national accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). PHAB aims to advance and transform public health practice by championing performance improvement, strong infrastructure, and innovation. To receive accreditation the Bear River Health Department underwent a rigorous, multi-faceted, peer-review assessment to ensure it meets or exceeds a specific set of quality standards and measures. This accreditation status demonstrates the Bear River Health Department’s commitment to excellence in serving the community.

Many community partners contributed to the effort to become nationally accredited.  Bear River Health District residents, partners, coalitions, and stakeholders helped identify the most pressing public health issues. The identification of these public health issues allowed the Department to create measurable goals that will continue to drive progress toward a healthier community.

National accreditation is not a forever stamp of approval. The Bear River Health Department will keep reviewing its programs and processes in order to improve them continuously.


Mission • Vision • Values

About Us

The Bear River Health Department (BRHD) is one of 13 local health departments that work to promote and protect the health of Utah’s residents. The BRHD was originally established in 1971 by the Utah legislature. The BRHD provides public health services to the residents of Box Elder, Cache, and Rich County.

The BRHD has 110 employees at 6 different locations and serves a population of more than 160,000 in the three county areas.

performance management

The Bear River Health Department utilizes a Performance Management System to ensure achievement of its mission, strategic plan and community health improvement plan. We want to know how well we and our partners are performing so we can adjust public health strategies accordingly. The BRHD uses the Clear Impact Scorecard as our performance management dashboard to communicate key goals, indicators and measures of public health issues in our community. We are currently building the capacity of our scorecards and will continually update this page and the scorecards linked below throughout the coming year.

Scorecards are updated with real time data and are interactive. You can click on the program names, outcome, indicators, and measures for different views and additional information.

Infant & Child Health

Healthy lifestyles, screenings, preventative care and a healthy environment are all key factors to the growth and development of our youth.  The Bear River Health Department is committed to promoting and supporting children’s health and well-being. To see the progress the Bear River Health Department is making toward infant & children’s health click the button below. 

Emergency Services

During and following a disaster, public health professionals, first responders and community officials work together to minimize death and injuries, prevent disease outbreaks and illnesses and ensure safe housing and facilities for individuals and families. To see the progress the Bear River Health Department is making toward emergency services click the button below. 

Chronic Disease

Three lifestyle behaviors (including lack of physical activity, poor diet, and tobacco use), lead to four chronic diseases (including cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and type 2 diabetes) that cause 50% of deaths in the Bear River Health District each year. To see the progress the Bear River Health Department is making toward chronic disease click the button below.

injury prevention

Interventions to prevent different types of injuries are key to keeping people safe in their homes, workplaces, and communities. To see the progress the Bear River Health Department is making toward injury prevention click the button below.

food safety

The Bear River Health Department works to protect the health of consumers by assuring that the food prepared and served at licensed food service establishments is wholesome and safe. To see the progress the Bear River Health Department is making toward food safety click the button below.

Substance Misuse

Prevention and early intervention strategies can reduce the impact of substance use disorders in our community. To see the progress the Bear River Health Department is making toward substance misuse, prevention and treatment click the button below.

Water Quality

Preventing recreational water illnesses is a multifaceted issue that requires collaboration from pool staff, swimmers and the Bear River Health Department. Poor maintenance can result in low disinfectant levels that can allow the spread of a variety of germs that cause diarrhea as well as skin and respiratory illnesses. To see the progress the Bear River Health Department is making toward water quality click the button below.

Infectious Disease

The backbone of public health is preventing and controlling the spread of disease. There are many ways to prevent the spread of diseases.  It can be as simple as properly washing your hands, or getting recommended vaccinations.   The Bear River Health Department provides multiple programs and services to monitor and respond to infectious disease reports. To see the progress the Bear River Health Department is making toward infectious disease click the button below.

Mental Health

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well being. It affects how we think, feel and act. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. To see the progress the Bear River Health Department is making toward Mental Health click the button below.

For additional questions regarding these scorecards, please contact our Epidemiologist at

Public Notices

Public hearings are held to allow members of the public to make their opinions known before a rule, law or policy is made. Notice of these hearings will be posted here and on the Utah Public Notice Website.

Public Health Data

Looking for the latest health data for Box Elder, Cache, and Rich counties? Would you like to learn what the leading causes of death and disease are for the residents of these communities? 

Public Health Laws

Utah Administrative Code Rule R380-40. Local Health Department Minimum Performance Standards states that local health departments will report annually to governing bodies served within the health district. Please see the Annual Reports that are presented each year to governing bodies in Box Elder, Cache, and Rich counties.
Program Bear River Board of Health Regulation or Resolution Number County and State Rule or Code Number; CDC and U.S. Recommendations
Asbestos   Utah Administrative Rule R307-801
Lead Based Paint   Utah Administrative Rule R307-840
Drinking Water   Utah Administrative Rule R309
Underground Storage Tanks   Utah Administrative Rule R311
Hazardous Materials   Utah Administrative Rule R315-263
Waste Tires Regulation 1998-1 Utah Administrative Rule R315-320
Used Oil   Utah Administrative Rule R315-15
Onsite Wastewater   Utah Administrative Rule R317-4
Rules for Liquid Waste Operations   Utah Administrative Rule R317-550
Pit Privies   Utah Administrative Rule R317-560
Food Safety and Sanitation   Utah Administrative Rule R392-100
Food Safety Manager Certification   Utah Administrative Rule R392-101
Food Truck Sanitation   Utah Administrative Rule R392-102
Food Handler Training and Certificate   Utah Administrative Rule R392-103
Feeding Disadvantaged Groups   Utah Administrative Rule R392-104
Home Based Child Care Food Service   Utah Administrative Rule R392-110
Design, Construction, Operation, Sanitation, and Safety of Schools   Utah Administrative Rule R392-200
Recreation Camp Sanitation   Utah Administrative Rule R392-300
Recreational Vehicle Park Sanitation   Utah Administrative Rule R392-301
Design, Construction, and Operation of Public Pools   Utah Administrative Rule R392-302
Public Geothermal Pools and Bathing Places   Utah Administrative Rule R392-303
Temporary Mass Gatherings Sanitation   Utah Administrative Rule R392-400
Roadway Rest Stop Sanitation   Utah Administrative Rule R392-401
Manufactured Home Community Sanitation   Utah Administrative Rule R392-402
Temporary Labor Community Sanitation   Utah Administrative Rule R392-501
Public Lodging Facility Sanitation   Utah Administrative Rule R392-502
Utah Indoor Clear Air Act   Utah Administrative Rule R392-510
Illegal Drug Operations Decontamination Standards Regulation 2007-1 Utah Administrative Rule R392-600
Indoor Tanning Bed Sanitation Regulation 2008-1 Utah Administrative Rule R392-700
General Sanitation in Public Places   Utah Administrative Rule R392-800
Utah Fit Premises Act   Utah Code 57-22
Body Art safety and Sanitation Regulation 2004-1  
Vehicle Emissions Regulation 2013-1 Cache County Code Title 10, Chapter 10.20Utah Code 41-6a-1642
Communicable Disease Rule   Utah Administrative Rule R386-702
Immunization Rule for Students   Utah Administrative Rule R396-100
HIPAA Privacy Rule and Public Health   CDC and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Tobacco Retail Permit   Utah Code 26-62
Tobacco Retailer Permit Process   Utah Administrative Rule R384-324
Synthetic Cannabinoids Regulation 2010-1  
Utah Vital Statistics Act   Utah Code 26-2
Standards of Quality for Waters of the State   Utah Administrative Rule R317-2
Client Grievance Procedure Updated May 2017 Utah Code 26A-1-121, Section 2